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God Is the Master Chef

Have you ever gone to your refrigerator in search of a stick of butter to eat? You felt the hunger gnawing at the inside of your stomach and so you thought, “If I could only get a bite of butter, I would be fine.” 

Probably not. Because butter all by itself doesn’t taste very good. Neither does flour. Or salt. Or baking soda. Or most cooking ingredients, for that matter. Yet when a master chef gathers them all together and blends them just right, then heats them for the proper time, the result is something wonderful. 

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” But most people only quote the first half: “All things work together for good.” And the problem is that all things do not work together for good. The things that work together for good are those things in connection with those people who love God and are called according to His purpose. 

When you are committed to Him and seeking His purpose, He will mix all of the things in your life—the sweet and the bitter—and turn them into something divine. 

Only when you are living your life according to His purpose—rather than your own—will He cause all the things in your life to blend together for your good and His glory. When you are committed to Him and seeking His purpose, He will mix all of the things in your life—the sweet and the bitter—and turn them into something divine. 

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