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Faith in Action

Faith isn’t merely feeling like God is telling the truth. Nor is it saying God is telling the truth. For faith to truly be faith, it involves acting like God is telling the truth. That’s why the Bible calls it walking by faith, not talking by faith or even feeling by faith.

Unless your faith makes it all the way down to your feet, it’s not faith.

Unless your faith makes it all the way down to your feet, it’s not faith. What you believe about Him must be married to what you do in light of that belief. Exercising faith makes God’s involvement in your life not just a theory in your mind, but a reality in your life.

A number of years ago, our church looked for ways to curb its electricity bills. As a result, we installed motion-detector lighting in certain rooms. That meant the lights came on only when motion was detected. If there was no motion, there was no light. And the lights went off on their own when people left without turning them off. Then the lights came back on when motion was detected again.

God will give you the power and light you need when you need it, but He’ll wait until He detects motion on your part.

Similarly, God will give you the power and light you need when you need it, but He’ll wait until He detects motion on your part. If there’s no movement in faith, there’ll be no power in your life. The two are tied together. You must trigger the use of His power in your life, and you do that through actions carried out in faith.

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