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Exploring the Book of 2 Peter with Tony Evans


While Peter’s first letter focused mainly on the persecution of the church coming from outside it, this second letter highlights some of the problems being faced from within. The attacks from the external enemies of the church are not the only challenge that early Christians faced. Some of the greatest dangers to faith were posed by those who claimed to be part of the community of the faithful but were actually false teachers.

Peter sees the outbreak of false teaching as a sign of the last days.

Peter sees the outbreak of false teaching as a sign of the last days. When the second coming of Christ is delayed, writes Peter, some will use this as an excuse to question the very authority of God’s Word. But Christ has His own timetable for returning, and His delay is not without a purpose. That purpose, of course, is His desire to bring salvation to more people. And with that coming will be a judgment, which should provide all the incentive we need to live a godly life as we await His return.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes from the book of 2 Peter. May you be blessed by it.

Video: 5 Lessons from the book of 2 Peter. Play video

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