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for You

A Storyline Worth Watching


One of my favorite things is getting lost in a good book or engulfed in a good movie.

As a kid, I enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia.

In my teen years, I kept turning the pages of Little Women.

As an adult, I never read The Notebook, but I sure did enjoy the movie.

There is something about a good storyline. A story worth reading or watching draws us in and creates anticipation for what’s to come. We are enraptured mentally and emotionally. If the story is really good, we feel it in our bones.

A good story not only captures our attention but also inspires us to take action. We want to know the plan and move the plan forward.

Let me say that again.

We like to know the plan.

As our stories unfold, we become producers in our own right, seeking to develop the storyline in ourselves—supposing or trying to control what happens next.

If you are like me, you want to know where you are going!

When we are clued into the ins and outs of God’s plan for our lives, that provides a level of comfort, security and control. If we know to expect a happy ending, we feel at peace. If we can be sure of trouble ahead of us, we believe that we can somehow prevent it from happening.

The fact remains it is God who both knows all and provides the script of our lives.

Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:16, “Your eyes have seen my formless substance; and in Your book were written all the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”

While God does not cause everything that happens to us, He uses everything we experience toward the purpose He has for our lives.

The beauty of living surrendered to the will of our Creator is trusting that not only is God Sovereign over all, but He’s also good.

We must choose to believe that God writes good stories.

If He has allowed hard things in your life, you must learn to believe that even the most challenging parts simply make the story worth telling.

You can trust the author and finisher of your faith.

And you can entrust your calling and your future into the hands of the faithful Creator. Try believing God for yourself, and with time you will see.

After all, God’s stories are always highly recommended reading.

And your story as it unfolds, is a storyline worth watching too.



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