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for You

Hidden in Plain Sight


Have you ever lost your keys?

One of the most challenging experiences of life is priding yourself on being ready to walk out the door and drive to a planned destination only to realize you can’t find the keys to your car.

On many occasions, I have found myself growing more anxious by the second as I look in all of the expected places. After not locating my keys where they are supposed to be (on the key hook near the kitchen), I canvas all of the “right areas”—the nightstand in my bedroom, next to my bathroom sink, in the jeans pocket I wore the day before and in the crevices of the couch.

I even make the trip out to the car to make sure the keys still aren’t in the ignition or in the passenger seat for some reason.

If I’m fortunate to find my keys after running around the house for ten or twenty minutes, it’s usually accompanied by major exasperation. Why? Because after all the extra effort of a panicked search, I find them hidden in plain sight.

On the kitchen table under some mail.

Sitting on top of the deep freezer where I dropped them before putting up groceries.

Or in my purse, but at the bottom under a book, wallet or just plain ol’ junk.

The important things of life can often be easily overlooked.

Especially when we don’t slow down to look for them.

Life happens fast.  Sometimes the fullness of our days feels like a whirlwind of our time. There is so much to do, and yet, in the flurry of our responsibility, good deeds, and accomplishments, we miss so much as well.

It’s the ordinary moments that pass us by.

Conversations that linger.

Evening walks as the sun sets.

Silence that gives us space to breathe.

What if your search for your calling is located in plain sight and you only need to make small shifts in order to find it? What if the potential and purpose God has planned for you do not require your desperation or anxiety to search them out?

Take Samuel for instance. Despite being in the temple of God, he still missed God’s call. Scripture reveals that it took three times for Samuel to be sensitive enough, still enough and present enough to see clearly what was right before him (1 Samuel 3:1-10).

Maybe the calling and purpose you are searching desperately for simply require you to slow down to see what is right in front of you.

The Holy Spirit has the power to help us see what we need to see and help us notice God’s purpose for our lives in the middle of our ordinary days.

Right here.

Right now.

Calling isn’t always the elaborate story we hope for or the work that is more likely esteemed. Calling is often rather found in the simple moments—the simple obedience—that make up our everyday.

Being faithful to have meals at the table with family.

Showing up to serve those in need.

Operating in excellence in word and deed at work and in our community.

Consistently and committedly prioritizing time with God in study and prayer.

What if we don’t have the clarity of our calling because it’s hidden in the instructions God has given us for the day?

When you look at your life what do you see? What has God placed in plain sight if you will slow down to look? What simple moments in life do you need to take notice of?

As you consider your life and the importance of what God has for you to do, remember,  you never know what you’ll find hidden in plain sight.



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