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for You

At a Glance


Let’s talk about your calling.

If you can do what God says you can do, how do you know what that is exactly?

Maybe it’s not that deep after all.

Maybe the importance of knowing and understanding your “calling” is simply connecting with God.

If you’re like me, you might feel like that’s easier said than done. Much of the life of the believer is navigating the unknown, uncharted territory of life and yet, we still wonder:

What’s my calling?

What purpose has God designed me for?

How might I make a significant impact on the Earth?

What am I supposed to do today to understand my tomorrow?

Sometimes God gives you the whole picture. Many times He provides only a glance into the specifics of what life will entail. Often, He fills in the gaps with Himself. Learning the nature of God and allowing His Word to nourish your soul just might be the inroads into understanding your calling.

Here’s why:

Time with God requires effort on our part.

Have you ever decided to spend intentional time with God and that time was interrupted by a phone call, an unrelated thought about what needs to get done or simply putting it off for later with the intent to get to it at a better time? Then, you realize the time of connection didn’t happen at all.

Or, maybe you’ve complicated what connecting with God should look like. The standard you have set for the time ends up being unrealistic for what life looks like for you today.

There is a reason that connecting with God seems difficult at times. Why? Because there is so much at stake.

The currency of life and calling happens as you connect with the Creator.

Your life was created for a purpose. However, you can only know your purpose as you continue to know your God. Getting to know God through His Word and through prayer is how you grow to be equipped with the knowledge of what God has for you to do.

Who does God say you are?

And based on your deepening relationship with Him, what is it that your God desires for you to do?

Your focus shouldn’t be on your purpose but instead on the Person who knows your current position and also knows the full potential for your future.

More than that, I count all things as loss compared to the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8



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