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Your Deliverer

In 2 Corinthians 1:10, Paul writes of the promise of our future resurrection: “Who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us.” As Paul reminds us, God is in the deliverance business. In just that one verse he speaks of deliverance three times. This emphasizes that whatever challenges you and I might face, God is the one who can bring us through.

I don’t know what grave you might be in. Some of you might feel like you are six feet under. Others might feel like they are sixteen feet under! Maybe you are in a hole and the hole just keeps getting deeper. Maybe you feel like you’ve done everything you could do to get out. Maybe you feel like God has left you alone in your pain. Maybe you just feel so tired you’re not sure you can go on. 

Maybe you are in a hole and the hole just keeps getting deeper.

Well, God knows all that. And He is ready for us to reach out to Him in the midst of all the struggle because He is a deliverer.

Your story isn’t over. The final chapter hasn’t been written yet. So, don’t give up on God. Instead, get real with God. Don’t waste your time with theological platitudes. Lean into Him.

Your story isn’t over.

He knows you’re hurting. He knows you’re crying. He knows you’re suffering. I know that sometimes He seems hard to find. But remember this: Even when God seems silent, He is not still. He’s working for you.

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