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Exploring the Book of Zephaniah with Tony Evans


Zephaniah was a prophet who arose out of a royal lineage. In the very first verse of the first chapter of his book, Zephaniah lays out where he fits in a family tree that reaches back to King Hezekiah. His ministry took place under the reign of Josiah, a king who tried to squelch the rampant idolatry that was taking place under his watch, as well as deal with false priests who were leading the people away from the one true God. But Josiah faced a challenge, as many of the people had ceased to follow God’s path.


This would be a day of darkness, gloom and pain. But it also had a positive side.


The theme of Zephaniah’s writings is the Day of the Lord—a coming time of judgment in response to the people’s sin. This would be a day of darkness, gloom and pain. But it also had a positive side. There would be a time of restoration after the judgment.

And Zephaniah also looked further forward into history—to the great Day of the Lord that was in the future: a day that was coming at the end of history. That time of tribulation would involve not only the pouring out of God’s judgment, but also the establishment of God’s kingdom under the kingship of Christ.

Let us prepare for our own restoration by repentance and turning again to the ways of the Lord.

Today we experience glimpses of the Day of the Lord as we see judgment for our sin, but we also can look toward the hope of restoration under Christ’s rule. Let us prepare for our own restoration by repentance and turning again to the ways of the Lord.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes from the book of Zephaniah. May you be blessed by it.

Video: 5 Lessons from the book of Zephaniah. Play video

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