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You Never Walk Alone

God longs for a deep and abiding relationship with you. Because He is dependable, He wants you to depend on Him.

He is with you, even when you forget that He is.

Sometimes God allows troubles or trials in your life to get your focus back onto Him. He sees how you may have drifted from Him, and He desires to bring you back into close intimacy with Him. God knows how much you need Him in order to live a victorious life, and He doesn’t want you to walk this road alone. He is with you, even when you forget that He is. He longs to be close to you—not only because He loves you and desires a relationship with you, but also because He knows that without Him you will face an enemy who will be able to defeat you. God’s presence and proximity are your protection.

Are you in a situation that wants to eat you alive? Are you finding yourself with less hope every day? Do you feel anxious, worried or emotional turmoil—or even just alone? If so, then I want to remind you that Jesus is with you right now. And therefore, His power and grace are too. And what His power and grace will do is comfort you.

You don’t walk this road alone.

Friend, sometimes God calls us to walk through valleys. I can’t promise you a life without wind, clouds and turmoil. But I can promise you that you don’t have to walk through the valley alone. So, keep walking. Don’t say that you can’t make it, because God will make it with you. You don’t walk this road alone.

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