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Explore the Book of Ecclesiastes with Dr. Tony Evans

Many Christians find the book of Ecclesiastes to be the most surprising book in the whole Bible. It doesn’t take a rosy, positive-thinking approach to life. Instead, it tells the truth about our lives. It confirms that being a person of faith doesn’t necessarily mean always having a positive outlook on everything—at least when it comes to our present life here on earth. Some believe it was written by Solomon, but we honestly don’t know who wrote it. The author simply identifies himself as “The Preacher,” or the “Teacher.” What the Preacher offers up is an honest reflection on the challenges of life—not cheerful platitudes and happy thoughts.

The book of Ecclesiastes asks us to take stock of our lives.

The book of Ecclesiastes asks us to take stock of our lives. If we do, we’ll find that from an earthly perspective, everything appears to be ultimately empty and fleeting. There is a time for everything, but everything eventually passes away. The Preacher was a wise and wealthy man, but that didn’t answer the ache in his heart. Pursuing money and power and pleasure, are, he says, are nothing more than “pursuing the wind.”

Ultimately, from the perspective of faith, the reality of God casts meaning and purpose over everything in our lives.

But the Teacher doesn’t leave us in that place of despair. Ultimately, from the perspective of faith, the reality of God casts meaning and purpose over everything in our lives. In that sense, though it might sometimes appear that way, nothing is empty. So, in the end, he calls us to “remember your Creator;” to “fear God and keep His commandments.” Only then will we find true fulfillment.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of Ecclesiastes. May you be blessed by it!

5 Lessons from the book of Ecclesiastes with Dr. Tony Evans

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