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Names Matter. There is Power in the Name of Jesus.

In the Bible, names matter. They have a meaning. Names are never mere nomenclature. People weren’t given names because they sounded nice, or because their parents were naming them after a celebrity, or because their mom suggested it—strongly. Names carried weight and character and were often tied to a person’s destiny. That’s why, throughout Scripture, when God was about to do something new with a person, He would often change the name.

Names carried weight and character and were often tied to a person’s destiny.

Abram became Abraham.

Jacob became Israel.

Simon became Peter.

Saul became Paul.

All through the Bible, we find God switching names around because He’s switching up identities or purposes tied to their kingdom roles. A person was given a new name designed to fit the reputation or character of his or her new path. Names held power tied to purpose. And the name of Jesus, of course, held—and still holds—the power above all power. Now our name is forever connected with His name.

A person was given a new name designed to fit the reputation or character of his or her new path.

It’s time to own your life through a proper understanding and use of the power of the name of Jesus. It’s time to take charge of who you are by identifying with Him. Stop letting other people’s thoughts, words or actions drive you down. There is power in the name of Jesus. In His name, you can stand up and unleash your full potential.

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