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for You

Like the Back of My Hand

It shows itself like a sudden chill that races down my spine. Sometimes, the truth is something I simply deeply know. Mostly, it’s the way truth stirs within my soul.

I call the stirring of truth within my soul my “knower.” 

My “knower” is my God-given, innate ability to discern what I need and connect to the knowledge that the Spirit of God has for me. From making decisions that have shaped pivotal moments in my ministry and career to knee-jerking, just-do-it kind of calls—knowing has served me well over the years. However, in all my knowing, I’ve learned my ability to “know” is without power apart from the Holy Spirit. I’d suffice it to say that it’s because of the Holy Spirit that I know what I know at all.

Isaiah 11:2 says, 

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

There is a benefit of the Spirit of the living God indwelling those who place faith in Him. The Spirit gives us the mind of Christ in the everyday happenings of life. I’m grateful to have learned a thing or two about the Holy Spirit’s movement in my life. 

I’ve learned that “knowing” requires me to listen. Often, I find that the Holy Spirit speaks in a still, small voice. When I become too busy or constantly look to others for answers and solutions in my life, it’s easy to miss how the Holy Spirit wants to work in and through me. 

I’ve learned that “knowing” requires intimacy. Growing in my familiarity with the Holy Spirit by reading about His characteristics expressed in the Bible has increased my ability to recognize Him. The older generation used to say, I know it “like the back of my hand.” It was their way of expressing certainty in what they knew to be true. You can know truth and how to apply that truth by growing in your intimacy with God.

I’ve learned that “knowing” recognizes the Holy Spirit’s power working abundantly beyond what I’m able to think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The Holy Spirit has consistently filled the gaps in my life during times I didn’t know what to say or do and when I desperately needed the Lord’s help for things outside of my purview.

There have been moments in my life when knowing what to say in a conversation, how to move on a decision or how to show up fully free in unexpected spaces changed the trajectory of my circumstances. The Holy Spirit’s presence and power gave me unexpected wisdom and set me up for outcomes I couldn’t have planned.

Maybe it’s the thing you can’t shake that constantly nags at you. Maybe there are a thousand things imploring you to pay attention to your life. Is it possible that a word or phrase repeats itself in Scripture or in conversation because it’s the Holy Spirit’s way of gently guiding you towards God’s best for your life? 

When you welcome the Holy Spirit’s work in your life, then you, too, can know the feeling of being overcome with peace in overwhelming circumstances. The Holy Spirit’s work in your soul can give you the knowledge you need at the exact moment you need it. The Spirit’s power can influence your “knower” in unexpectedly powerful ways.

Where have you seen evidence of the Holy Spirit in your life?

Think about your history with God and give thanks to strengthen your remembrance of His activity in your life. 

God wants to use your life as an expression of His glory. Today is a good day to connect with His power at work within you. If you are willing, He is able! 

That, I know.

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