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for You

For the Love of an Excellent Life

I am a doer by nature. Needless to say, It can be difficult for me to not have my hands completely in a thing. Do you understand what I’m saying? It’s not that I do not trust family members, those on my team, or those who support me in ministry. It’s simply that I have an innate curiosity about the ins and outs of how certain things operate or function. And when I understand the how and why behind a thing, I want to ensure that it’s being utilized to its full capacity. I want to squeeze as much out of it as I can.


Because I understand the work God has given me to do and my responsibility to others. Because of this, when I show up, I want to show up well.

Again, I’m this way partly by design.

But also, my parents consistently modeled excellence before my siblings and me. My mother had a particularly regal nature about her. There was a standard for how she showed up in the world that first began with how she showed up in our home and how she would show up for herself. She understood who she was because she understood and submitted to God’s authority in her life. As a result, my mother lived with intention. Intention as a wife, intention in motherhood, and intention in ministry.

The intention that my parents lived with started with their choice to engage with God’s Word. They understood that prioritizing the Word and their relationship with God made the difference in how they would excel in their lives.

And here’s the thing, their commitment to the Word is what enabled them to operate and function in this world to serve His purposes.

God’s Word became and still remains our family’s life map.

As a doer, I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing “being” with the Lord—prioritizing time in the Word and in prayer. Excellence in my “doing” starts with understanding God’s instructions for my life.

Proverbs 3:5 encourages us to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” Over and over in God’s Word—the life “map” He’s provided for us—He shows us the path of life (Psalm 16:11), directs our steps (Psalm 37:23) and provides light for the journey through His Word. (Psalm 119:105). The key is to rely on the map He’s provided—to trust Him when we understand His will, and even when we don’t, to believe He can light our path as we move forward.

If you desire excellence like I do, feeling as if you might be doing things wrong (while everyone else got it right) can be downright overwhelming. However, walking in obedience is always worth it.

Sometimes there might even be a discomfort from obeying God when His way might not make sense. But your feelings don’t define God’s truth.

There is no substitute for living with intentional prioritization of God’s Word if you desire to live a life of excellence. And living in obedience to God’s Word will always involve your willingness to trust Him and His Word.

Whether you are naturally wired for excellence or you need the Spirit of God to propel you forward toward God’s best for your life, your intention in pursuing your relationship with God will make the difference in how well you live your life.

And here’s the good news.

If you’ve followed the map of God’s Word for decades, or you’ve just recently decided to put your trust in Him and His Word after a time of wandering, God rewards those who diligently seek Him.

And He has a wonderful way of redeeming lost time.

Free Wallpaper of the Month

Proverbs 3:5 Phone Wallpaper

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Are you Desperate for Jesus? Join my sister Priscilla Shirer, and me, in person or virtually, July 26 and 27 as we explore the theme “A Wise Woman Builds Her House” (Proverbs 14:1). Registration is now open. We hope to see you there.


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