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Exploring the Book of 1 John with Tony Evans


Which is more important—what you believe, or how you live? According to the Apostle John, both are equally essential. We need not only to embrace the truth, but to live in the truth. And living in the truth means living in the light of Christ’s love.


And living in the truth means living in the light of Christ’s love.


John’s first letter was written in response to the influence of false teachers, who drew an unbiblical distinction between the physical and the spiritual. Their emphasis was on the spiritual rather than the earthly, and they came to the conclusion that actions weren’t really that important. This, of course, led to a breakdown in morality among their followers. Beliefs always have consequences.

Therefore, in his letter, John calls believers to shun the darkness and follow the true light of Christ. He emphasizes the need to acknowledge and confess our sins, receiving the forgiveness that comes by God’s grace. The signs that we are truly walking in the light of Christ are twofold: our obedience to His commands, and the love we show toward one another.


As His children, the way we act is of infinite importance.


The greatness of God’s love can be seen in that we have now been made part of His family and are called His children of God. As His children, the way we act is of infinite importance. It is not only about doing what is right, but also of showing love toward our brothers and sisters in the faith. Our love for God will lead us to love for one another.

Love and sound doctrine—these are the sure signs of true faith.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes from the book of 1 John. May you be blessed by it.

Video: 5 Lessons from the book of 1 John. Play video

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