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Exploring 1 Thessalonians with Dr. Tony Evans

One of the biggest problems in the early days of the church was the preponderance of false teachers, people who were teaching a false version of the gospel and leading many followers of Christ astray. Of course, this hasn’t ceased to be a challenge for the church today. There are many today whose damaging distortions are tempting modern believers with subtle and damaging alterations to the truth.

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between the people of God and the people of the world.

Another significant problem both then and now is not unrelated to false teaching. These false ideas often lead to moral laxity and confusion about what the life of the believer should look like. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between the people of God and the people of the world. This should never be so.

But despite these challenges, there were still many in Thessalonica who held fast to their commitment to Christ. To them, Paul offered a message of encouragement to remain faithful, especially in expectation of the return of Christ. He called them to stay true to the kind of lifestyle which is pleasing to the Lord.

How relevant all the messages of 1 Thessalonians remain for believers today.

How relevant all the messages of 1 Thessalonians remain for believers today. In a time when many have deviated from the path which God has set for His people, it is important to remember that we should live in the light of Christ’s return. That means staying true to the gospel and living lives that honor Him.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of 1 Thessalonians. May you be blessed by it!


Five Lessons from the Book of 1 Thessolonians

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