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Explore the Book of James with Dr. Tony Evans

The letter of James reminds us that unless our faith is evidenced by our actions, then our faith is “dead.” It isn’t enough just to believe the right things or be a member of a good church. We need to demonstrate the reality of our faith through the way we live.

We need to demonstrate the reality of our faith through the way we live.

Let’s face it. James is an in-your-face kind of guy. “If you are going to be a Christian,” he says, “then act like one.” That’s why his letter is filled with lots of practical encouragement on how we should live out our faith in everyday situations.

James knows that the Christian walk isn’t always going to be easy. So, he opens up the letter with a discussion about how we are affected by the trials in our lives. We can keep on walking in faith, he says, because we know that we have been promised a crown. In addition to trials, James talks about the problem of discrimination in the church, the dangers involved in not controlling our tongue, and the necessity of living in the light of God’s wisdom rather than our own. So, he says, quit fighting with each other and submit to God. When we are right with Him, we have access to His power.

When we are right with Him, we have access to His power.

The letter of James is a favorite of many Bible readers precisely because it is filled with such practical advice on how to walk in the power of a living faith.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of James. May you be blessed by it!

Exploring the book of James with Tony Evans

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