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Double-Minded Means Double the Trouble!

If you’re a double-minded person, you might be setting yourself up for trouble. God wants to know that you know that He is the only true God. He rejects all competitors. Focusing on these competitors is what the Bible calls idolatry. If there is any other god in your life, even if you believe in the true God, you are, in effect, canceling out His work in you, to you, through you and for you.

You need a single-minded devotion to the God of the Bible if you want to have Him meet your needs—both now and in eternity. Spiritual compromise is never an option. You must place all your devotion at the feet of the one and only true God.

Spiritual compromise is never an option.

Such devotion creates a lasting legacy. It outlives you. Every follower of Christ should be passionate about their life outliving them. Ask yourself: what example, principles and acts of concern, care, guidance, direction and resources am I leaving to those who come after me so that they can expand my impact?

Think about what you leave as a legacy by committing your life to God.

This requires a solitary focus on God’s purpose in your life. Don’t be double-minded. Don’t succumb to the temptation to live your life for your own desires and God’s. Think about what you leave as a legacy by committing your life to God.

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