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Explore the Book of Acts

Acts is an exciting book about an exciting time—the earliest days of the church. This companion to the Gospel of Luke tells the story about what happened after Jesus was “taken up” into the heavens (Acts 1:2). In its pages, we see the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, who leads and guides the disciples in proclaiming God’s message.

Acts is an exciting book about an exciting time—the earliest days of the church.

When the Holy Spirit infused the church with power, amazing things happened: miracles, healings and supernatural proclamations. This same Holy Spirit empowers the church today, so the book of Acts gives us a window into what happens when the Spirit fills the church, and it explodes with power and kingdom authority. You could say that it is a blueprint for what the church is intended to look like even today.

You could say that it is a blueprint for what the church is intended to look like even today.

It’s a kingdom book. Throughout Acts, Paul, Peter and the other followers proclaim the kingdom of God, the visible manifestation of comprehensive rule of God over every area of life.

And that kingdom message is still relevant for you and for me.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of Acts. May you be blessed by it!

To study more books of the Bible, check out our Tony Evans Training Center HERE.

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