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for You

A Walk Down Memory Lane

“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,

your faithfulness to the skies” Psalm 36:5 NIV


What I love and appreciate about family gatherings is the memories shared. The moments that cause my siblings and me, our children, cousins, my dad, aunts and uncles to pause and reflect on the goodness of God. It’s the intention behind remembering our moments and tracing the fingerprints of God throughout the, at times painful and uncomfortable, but also, hilariously embarrassing and fun parts of our stories that cause me never to forget…

The faithfulness of God.

I often find myself longing for these moments—a time to reflect and remember. To me, they seem necessary. They are a part of the fiber of my being that keeps me connected to what’s real, true, and what matters most. I’m learning more and more the significance of being present in the experiences that God gives and how taking the time to notice what’s in front of you causes a ripple effect for future moments that lie ahead. I see this in the conversations I have with my children when after a family gathering, a conversation lingers in the car on our way home and continues at my kitchen table.

My boys, in curiosity, ask about the times my siblings and I shared growing up in my parent’s home. My daughter and I plan out our days in gratitude for the steadfastness of God. When I consider the seasons of building and rebuilding, the learning and growth that has taken place throughout our years, the difficult times we don’t always like to admit we’d prefer not to remember, I seem always to come back to the realization of how our consistent, unconditionally loving Creator continues to be with us every step of the way.

There are times I forget how God graciously met me in seasons of chaos and confusion, in business and lack of peace. There are times when something jogs my memory of how He carried me through pain and comforted me in loss. And as I begin to remember, His lovingkindness and faithfulness grow ever so clear.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget…

The kindness of God.

The forgiveness of God.

The patience of God

The compassion of God. 

The provision of God. 

However, when you allow the challenges you experience, the difficult seasons you’ve endured, or your current circumstances to cause you to remember the faithfulness of God then all of a sudden you will find you have the reassurance needed to carry you through your days.

Dear friend, I challenge you to ask yourself,  

How might I need to remember the faithfulness of God?



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