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What Maturity Looks Like

These days everyone seems to be online comparing themselves to everybody else—even in spiritual things. Comparing yourself to others can be a trap. You may notice that someone else seems to be doing much more than you in their Christian faith. This could cause you to lose heart and pull back from focusing on your own goals. 

Comparing yourself to others can be a trap.

But they aren’t you. They didn’t have the past you had. They didn’t face the hurdles you’ve faced. God isn’t going to measure whether or not you lived out someone else’s purpose on earth. He didn’t prepare you to live out someone else’s purpose. God is going to look at you to see whether or not you have completed what He has given to you to complete. Have you matured spiritually so that you reflect the kingdom values of Christ?

We all know that it is possible for someone’s chronological age to not necessarily equal his or her maturity. Many of us know grown adults who are still infantile in the way they function in their emotional or spiritual lives. They have obviously not matured with their age. 

Our goal should be to stand before the Lord as spiritual adults, not as spiritual toddlers.

Our goal should be to stand before the Lord as spiritual adults, not as spiritual toddlers. Just as a baby does not stay the same weight she was at birth, so you and I are not to stay on the same spiritual level that we were when we got saved. Maturity is the process of going deeper spiritually and thus becoming more like Christ in our character, conduct, attitudes and actions. So, don’t look online for a comparison; look in the mirror.

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