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Two Hinges of a Door

A man once asked Jesus, “What is the greatest commandment?” Jesus told him the first was to love God, and the second was like it, to love others (Matthew 22:36–40). Notice that the man didn’t ask what the two greatest commandments were. But the way Jesus answered would indicate that the first wouldn’t be complete without the second.

Loving others is a part of loving God. It’s like two hinges on a door; the door won’t swing correctly if the hinges are out of sync.

Loving others is a part of loving God.

My oldest daughter was an only child for two years until her baby sister was born. For two years, she got all the hugs, all the attention, and all the food and toys. But when her sister was born, she had to share all of this goodness. One day when her baby sister was newly home from the hospital, my older daughter went into the room where the crib was and bothered her baby sister. In that moment, the idea of loving her sister was a bit much for her to handle.

The family of God helps prepare us as He shapes us into His image.

The family of God helps prepare us as He shapes us into His image. Loving God can feel like the easier part. But in the family, we learn the day-to-day details of loving others with His heart. As children of God, we all share in being part of that forever family.

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