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Bible for all ages

Transforming lives by the power of God’s Word

Looking Back

Teaching that Transforms

The Urban Alternative is a Christian Bible teaching and resource ministry founded more than 40 years ago by Dr. Tony Evans and Lois Evans. We aim to spread the teaching of God’s Word through Christian media with the goal of transforming lives. Formed in 1981, today The Urban Alternative is an international ministry that seeks to restore hope and transform lives through the proclamation and the application of the Word of God, communicated through the unique teaching of Dr. Tony Evans, one of the most respected evangelical leaders of our day.

We accomplish our goal of transforming lives by the power of God’s Word through a wide array of impactful strategies: radio, television, podcasts, free resources, books, Bibles studies, pastors and pastors’ wives outreaches and training, Tony Evans Films, community and cultural infuence, and more!

Millions of individuals experience !e Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans through the daily radio broadcast playing on over 2,000 radio outlets and in over 130 countries. More than 60 million message downloads/streams occur each year, and Dr. Evans has nearly a million subscribers on YouTube.

The Tony Evans Training Center (TETC) focuses on leadership development and discipleship training and offers educational programming in Bible & Theology, Personal Growth, Family Relationships, Church Health and Leadership Development, and Society and Community Impact Strategies.

Dr. Evans has published more than 150 unique titles based on over 40 years of preaching. He holds the distinct honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American.

Together, with friends like you, we’ve built a ministry of truth with a commitment to Kingdom values. Now, by God’s grace, we’re moving our gospel legacy forward.

Moving Forward

Sharing the Hope and TRUTH of Jesus

Romans 12:21 commands, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” There is no greater challenge before us today than to overcome evil by sharing the hope and truth of Jesus Christ with a world in need.

To this end, we’ve developed a comprehensive Bible for All Ages Campaign—God-directed and enthusiastically approved by our Board of Directors—to invest in future generations and to establish Dr. Evans’ voice as a lasting voice of truth for years to come.

This three-fold campaign is a legacy-building opportunity to join with gospel-minded partners to further our biblical ministry—and transform more lives.

Bible for All Ages


The Urban Alternative is dedicated to delivering timeless truths for all times. By way of our Bible for All Ages Campaign, we will further this commitment as we expand our reach through:


We will translate Dr. Evans’ Bible-rich content in up to 10 different languages in order to advance God’s kingdom agenda worldwide.


We will produce and distribute biblical, educational and entertaining content for all ages and backgrounds via a brand-new program, Unbound: The Bible’s Journey through History, and the expansion of our animated series, Stories from the Storyteller

#1 Languages

We have partnered with reputable tech firms and AI experts to complete translation, quality control and state-of-the-art cataloging of Dr. Evans’ entire library of teaching in up to 10 languages. This includes translating more than 40 years of life-giving, Spirit-inspired audio, video and written content, beginning with several of the world’s main languages: Spanish, French, Mandarin, Hindi, Portuguese, Swahili and Farsi. We have already created the main templates for this important work and have accurate tracking in place to guarantee correct translation.

Through this effort, we will connect and minister to 85% of the world’s population with content including sermons, study guides and Tony Evans Training Center courses. We will create YouTube channels in different languages, as well as reach new audiences worldwide through our reliable distribution channels already in place, like radio, apps and online. We will convey God’s message of love and hope to more people than ever before, reaching worldwide with the truth-filled, life-transforming message of God’s kingdom agenda.

The world is searching for hope and hungry for truth. There is no greater source for hope and truth than sound, relevant biblical teaching straight from God’s Word.

Total Cost - $4.8 Million

#2 Learning

We will focus on the production and distribution of timeless biblical, educational and entertaining content for all ages and backgrounds.


We’re especially thrilled to educate and inform people on the importance of the Bible and its preservation throughout history in a brand-new documentary series, Unbound. This program, which premiers as a nationwide theatrical release in 2027, will tell the miraculous story of God’s divine hand working through imperfect people to bring us His perfect Word. Hosted by Dr. Tony Evans, Unbound invites you on a journey of exploration through carefully curated educational and entertainment content tastefully presented in a hybrid of travel and historical storytelling strengths. 

Season 1 will feature eight episodes filmed on location in various museums and historical sites focusing on the Bible’s transmission over many centuries. Unbound will be filmed over the course of several years by award-winning camera operators in cinematography. 

Season One: 1st – 14th Century

Dr. Evans will travel to notable locations including Geneva, Athens, Wittenberg, Frankfurt, Antwerp, Cambridge, Rome, Dublin and elsewhere, engaging experts in the field and immersing the viewer into the history, culture, food and people of each of these meaningful locations.

  • Dr. Tony Evans, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary, Host
  • Dr. Darren Provost, PhD, Yale University
  • Dr. Kent Clarke, PhD, University of Bristol, England
  • Dr. Konstantinos Zarras, PhD, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Dr. Bruce Gordon, PhD, Yale Divinity School
  • Dr. Craig Evans, PhD, Claremont Graduate University
  • Dr. Dan Wallace, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary
Stories from the Storyteller

We will also extend production of our popular animated series, Stories from the Storyteller, reaching families looking for safe, educational, faith-based content for their children and grandchildren.

Stories from the Storyteller is all about adventure, family and educating youth about their faith. Viewers join the Evans family as Tony’s son Jonathan leverages the ministry of Jesus to teach life lessons to his five children (ages 3–13) through everyday family adventures. Seemingly normal activities turn into hysterical adventures and epic teachable moments. Jonathan and Kanika follow up the day’s events with a bedtime Bible lesson that connects their experience to the teachings of Jesus in a way their children (and yours) will never forget.

Each episode gives children and grandchildren real-life examples on how to navigate the “every day” with God as their guide. In just over a year since its release, the show has already had over one million views and is quickly approaching 50,000 views per month on RightNow Media alone! With the help of committed friends like you, we will produce seasons 3 and 4—and reach the next generation with TRUTH.

Total Cost - $7.2 Million

"We are not called to adapt the Bible to our culture but to adapt our culture to the Bible.”

Coming soon

We will honor the goodness of God and the legacy of Dr. Evans by developing and launching The Tony Evans Historical Center & Library. We envision a beautiful and welcoming facility that will serve as a place for prayer, encouragement, training, equipping and learning for generations to come. The gospel-centered experience will include interactive, multi-topical displays that will encourage visitors to return year after year. The Phase 1 launch of this legacy center is coming soon.

Will You Join Us?

Your partnership in this kingdom-building initiative will strengthen our ministry together for generations to come and lay a foundation of truth for all who hear the biblical teaching of Dr. Evans. Many lives will be touched and transformed by the power of the gospel through your generous commitment today. The Lord has blessed The Urban Alternative in powerful ways, expanding our impact over the span of 40 years and bringing together extraordinary friends like you to support the timeless teaching of God’s Word. Please consider the gift table below, and prayerfully make your commitment to invest in the future over the next two years with one gift given by December 31, 2024, and another by December 31, 2025.

Campaign Goal: $12,000,000
Pledge Redemption Years: 2

We know God is in this. And we pray that you will answer His call to join our Bible for All Ages Campaign. Together, we will move this ministry into the future and transform lives with TRUTH.


Making a Difference in Peoples' Lives

“I have been listening to The Urban Alternative since the 1990s, and I listen to Dr. Evans just about every day. Please let Dr. Evans know that I am so grateful for him and his family and how they have allowed Christ to use them all in my life. I could go on and on about how impactful Dr. Evans has been in my life. Everyone who knows me knows something that Dr. Evans has taught! The way he breaks things down makes it almost impossible not to understand.”


“Thank you for all you do to expand and protect the kingdom of God. I started listening to your daily podcasts through The Urban Alternative during my daily workouts which led me to using your teaching for our men’s Bible study. We have been blessed by your Bible studies and books. May God continue to bless you with His favor, presence, protection, provision and peace in the powerful name of King Jesus.”


“I had heard sermons preached before, but something about listening to Tony Evans was different. He changed my life for the better. It’s like God led me to find him accidently through my cell phone…and I listened to him. I went on to listen to a few more of his sermons and was transformed into believing God and seeing my spiritual walk in a different light. Thank you, Pastor Evans. You surely bring understanding to the Word of God.”
