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Touch the Hem of His Garment

Luke 8:43-48 tells us the story of the woman who had an issue of blood. For twelve years this poor woman had spent all the money she had to try to find a solution to her medical problem. But none could be found. All human effort had proven inadequate for meeting her desperate need.

Then, one day she heard that Jesus was nearby, and she had probably heard all the stories about His power. So, she elbowed her way through the crowd that had gathered around Him, and had to stretch out her arms to touch the hem of His garment. Instantly, she was healed. Jesus immediately felt power leave Him and He turned to try to find out who had touched Him.


Jesus immediately felt power leave Him and He turned to try to find out who had touched Him.

In the midst of the crowd of people, Jesus had felt this individual touch. As the disciples pointed out, there were lots of people jostling and crowding and touching Jesus. But He was aware that power had left Him to bring healing to this one particular woman.

She had an urgent need. She needed the power of Jesus and she wasn’t going to be denied. She was not satisfied with simply being part of the crowd—she was pressing in to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. She wasn’t satisfied with merely bumping up against Jesus with the rest of the crowd either. She knew that He was the answer to her need, so she reached out and found healing.

She knew that He was the answer to her need, so she reached out and found healing.

Will you settle for being part of the crowd? Or are you going to reach out for the hem of His garment and discover His power?

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