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To Stand Tall, We Must Bow Low

The turmoil, inequity and distress we are experiencing in our nation today can be addressed. It can be reversed. Our nation can be transformed. 

Will it take humbling ourselves before the Lord? Yes. 

Will it take concerted and united prayer? Yes. 

Will it take an awakening in the body of Christ? Yes. 

All of these things are possible if, and when, we return to God’s Word making His principles and precepts the basis for the choices we make. When we seek both His face and His heart on behalf of ourselves, our families, our churches and our land, we can bring about the societal transformation we so desperately need. 

As we draw near to election day, I want to urge you to join me in praying for our nation.

Nothing is ever too far out of reach that God cannot revive and restore it.

Nothing is ever too far out of reach that God cannot revive and restore it. Yet in order to turn our nation to God, we—His people—will need to make a collective effort to return to Him first. 2 Chronicles 7:14 promises 

“If…My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will
forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I am nearing the completion of a 9-part sermon series called Kingdom Voting where I have preached on the various aspects of voting from a biblical perspective. But in addition to voting in this election, I want to remind us that if we as kingdom people are going to turn our nation to God, we must also pray. To return our nation to her feet, we must as kingdom disciples return to our knees.

To return our nation to her feet, we must as kingdom disciples return to our knees.

Let us bathe this crucial time in our country’s history in prayer. Seek God’s heart for our land, and ask that He guide all that takes place over the next week and beyond. 

To return our nation to her feet, we must as kingdom disciples return to our knees. Click To Tweet

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