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Time to Turn Around

Is there something God put on your heart years ago, but it has yet to be fulfilled? 

I don’t know how long you may have been struggling as you wait on God. Or perhaps you have gotten to the point where you have given up hope that He will even do anything at all. But I want to encourage you to keep your eyes open for the King over all. 

I want to encourage you to keep your eyes open for the King over all. 

God hasn’t forgotten you. He knows where you are. He knows how you got there. He knows how long you have been there. And like He did with Moses, He can call your name for you to carry out the plan He’s placed on your life, even if you have gotten off the timetable you had once envisioned for your life. 

The first half of a football game is never the whole story for how things will wind up. Many a team that was losing in the first half winds up winning the game in the end. Much of this shift comes because they meet with the coach at half-time, and adjustments are made. So if your story, up to this point, is one of loss, defeat, regret and disappointment, meet with God at your burning bush. Or, if necessary, ask Him to give you one. 

He can reverse the things that make it appear as though your life is over.

He can reverse the things that make it appear as though your life is over. He can move you from a regular existence to a premium, super-unleaded one and bring you to a victorious life as you discover and fulfill your kingdom destiny.

God can reverse the things that make it appear as though your life is over. Click To Tweet

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