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The Reason for the Season

A mother planned a gathering to mark the birth of her newborn son. She wanted others to share in the joy, so she invited a bunch of friends over to celebrate his arrival. She put up decorations and made special treats for everyone to enjoy. All the time she was putting everything together she was worried about getting everything “just right” for guests. But she need not have worried. The party was a success. As her guests arrived, she welcomed each of them warmly, and they all had a great time with eating, drinking, and rejoicing over the excitement of the new birth.

Finally, one of the ladies said, “Hey, it’s time to bring the baby out so we can all see him!”

She and the guests had been having so much fun that they had forgotten what the party was supposed to be about in the first place!

The mother went to get the baby from his crib, but he was nowhere to be found. She started to panic and felt fear rising up within her. Where was he? But then she suddenly remembered. The baby was still at her parent’s house, where she had left him that morning. She and the guests had been having so much fun that they had forgotten what the party was supposed to be about in the first place!

During the Christmas season, it’s easy to become distracted by everything that’s going on—all the hustle and bustle and pageantry of the season—that we can easily forget the point of our celebrations. So, this year, let’s keep our hearts and minds focused on the one that it’s all about: the one sent to save us from our sin. 

So, this year, let’s keep our hearts and minds focused on the one that it’s all about: the one sent to save us from our sin. 

Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.

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