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Stay Flexible

When it comes to dealing with the stresses in our lives, many of us just need to lighten up. 

Nothing generates stress like rigidity.

Nothing generates stress like rigidity. As we encounter life’s twists and turns, those who cannot bend will likely break. So, learn to be flexible at work, at home, at school . . . wherever you are. If somebody irritates you, try not to retaliate—be flexible. If your plans don’t work out the way you intended, don’t panic—be flexible. If you’re facing impossible deadlines and there’s no relief in sight, don’t give up—be flexible.

Tomorrow will be a new day. After all, the Lord is near. When Christ returns, proper justice will be dispensed, all plans will be changed and all deadlines will be set aside. If you die from a stress-induced heart attack, the same applies. So why not be flexible? Not irresponsible, but flexible.

Do what Mary did—sit at Jesus’ feet and just enjoy being with the Lord.

To overcome stress, you must include time in your schedule for proper rest as well as some recreation. Make sure that the pressures of your to-do list don’t crowd out the things that are truly important. Do what Mary did—sit at Jesus’ feet and just enjoy being with the Lord. Enjoy reading God’s word without setting a timer to let you know when you can stop. Let your prayer be simply talking to God and listening to what He has to say to you. Take a walk where you can see and experience the beauty of His creation, whether that be the people in a busy city or nature in a rural setting. Or simply look up at the night sky and appreciate the vast expanse He has made.

It’s time to find some balance in your life so that you can truly experience the peace that passes all understanding.

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