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Setting Aside Time

How do you feel when you set out to spend some time with someone you care about and they make it a point to say, “See this phone? I’m turning it off so that I can focus entirely on you and on us and on what we are doing right now.” That action no doubt causes you to feel cherished, valued and loved. 

What God wants from us is much more than a nod, salute or a high-five when we walk by.

What God wants from us is much more than a nod, salute or a high-five when we walk by. He doesn’t want a glance or a simple pause as we go about our day, although those things are nice. But those things cannot serve as the foundation for your knowing of God. He desires and deserves your full attention, effort and focus. God has intricately woven each of us together, predicated on His intended destiny for us (Psalm 139:13; Jeremiah 1:5). The least He’d like in return is a bit of focus on Him—a bit of devotion to Him. 

He desires and deserves your full attention, effort and focus.

Make it a priority of meeting with Him regularly even if it’s just for a short amount of time and allow those times to grow in time as you come to recognize His voice more and more each day. Pray simply, “Lord, I want to know You. Show me Your glory.” Then open your eyes and buckle your seatbelt because that is a prayer He will gladly answer for you.

God desires and deserves your full attention, effort and focus. Click To Tweet

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