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Investing for Your Eternal Future

Once you come to realize that all material possessions and earthly things will burn away, it changes your perspective. The world thinks that this earthly life is the sum of our existence and that everything within it is the sum of our reward. Based on that understanding, everything we do on earth matters in a way that has us pursue as much gain, reward and satisfaction as we can because one day, it will all come to an end.

Once you come to realize that all material possessions and earthly things will burn away, it changes your perspective.

But the world is unfamiliar with God’s accounting system. He takes into account what you do in the realm of time and applies it toward your eternal future. If you are a Christian, no investment for heaven should ever be too much (Matthew 6:19-21). In other words, what you do in time will determine what you experience in glory.

If you are a Christian, no investment for heaven should ever be too much (Matthew 6:19-21).

In practical terms, that means sacrificing your time for the benefit others today pays in dividends tomorrow. It also means that there is so much more to life and its value than the days we spend here on earth. Adopt an eternal perspective when you invest all that God has given you and store up treasures for yourself in heaven.

If you want to make the most with what God has given you, you’ll need to adopt an eternal perspective. Click To Tweet

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