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How Do I Know God?

There are a variety of ways that people know God. Some people actually don’t know Him at all because they are unconverted and unsaved. But then there are those who know Him casually. They have more of an acquaintance type of relationship with Him. Still other people know God informationally. They can talk about Him fairly regularly and espouse their knowledge of Him. Then there are others who know Him spiritually. They can tell you how it feels when the Holy Spirit moves around or in them.

Knowing someone—knowing God even—involves much more than simple knowledge.

Knowing someone—knowing God even—involves much more than simple knowledge. It involves a connection so authentic and real that it gives birth to a familiarity no one needs to establish because it is established on its own as a natural outgrowth of the relationship itself. Knowing someone often can’t be defined in words or activities. It’s that subtle savoring that occurs within two souls uniquely bonded in love.

God is your friend, yes, but He’s interested in much, much more than that.

We’re not talking about meeting God, or gaining information about God, or even “dating” God. In knowing Him, we’re talking about plunging into the depth of His being and having His being absorb you. God is your friend, yes, but He’s interested in much, much more than that. He is interested in intimacy at the highest level. That’s what He wants with you and me.

God is your friend, yes, but He’s interested in much, much more than that. Click To Tweet

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