“Thank you, God!”
Those three simple words have become the linchpin that fastens me to the presence of God at the start of my day. Before I plant my feet on the ground in the morning, I utter those words to God in prayer. I’ve learned the importance of intentionality in starting my day at home with God.
The truth is, He is home.
Each morning, my family knows they will hear worship music playing when they wake and come to the kitchen for breakfast. In my house, that’s just what we do.
Welcoming the presence of God into every aspect of our day is not optional, it’s necessary.
I wonder if you can relate?
Intuitively, you may already know the benefit of acknowledging God in prayer or reading God’s Word before you begin your day, but does the ease of grabbing a device or hitting the ground running in an attempt to do all the things overcome you every now and then? If you’re like me, before you realize it, the single act of choosing social before the Savior can set you up for not connecting with God all day.
We simply have to choose to seek God first.
Matthew 6:33 tells us, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” (CSB)
Here’s what I’ve learned to be true about beginning the day at home with God…
Our experience of God is dependent on our prioritization of pursuit of God.
Our culture tells us to do more in order to have more or to stay abreast of all the responsibilities we have in life. As an achiever, I’m naturally inclined this way. I can easily find myself getting ahead of God if I do not ground myself in Him above all else.
By starting my day at home with God, I’ve witnessed how receiving God’s love at the beginning of my day provides a good start for me to love others and receive love from them. I’ve known perfect peace for situations that seem anything but peaceful. And I’ve seen the outworking of God’s power in me to impact the places to which He’s called me and the work He’s given me to do.
When I surrender to the Lord at the beginning of my day, I am set up to better see His glory and the overflow of His goodness in my life.
When have you seen your decision to choose God at the start of your day change the outcome of your experience? Or, how do you need to adjust your priorities to reflect what matters most?
Maybe a simple “thank you, God” is what you need to find your way home.
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