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Get More Out of Your Prayers

If there is something in your life that has been controlling you, dominating you or discouraging you, you’re going to need to go deeper in prayer to move it along. There are some things, many things in fact, that only God can handle. 

There are some things, many things in fact, that only God can handle.

The question then becomes: how do you infuse your faith with life, like the life found in the mustard seed? You do this by getting to know the One who is life. You do this by aligning your heart, mind and spirit underneath God and thus experiencing His life in you. And that means taking time from your daily routine to communicate with God regularly. After all, Paul told us to pray always. It means taking time when you wake up to align your thoughts from the human standpoint of “Oh Lord, it’s morning!” to “Oh Lord, thank You for another morning.” It means replacing complaining with gratitude. Releasing unforgiveness. 

By doing these things, the truth of who you are aligns with the truth of God: showing love, kindness, gentleness, self-control and all the things that comprise the nature of the Holy Spirit. The more in alignment with His Spirit that your spirit becomes, the greater life you will have within your faith. 

Faith is believing that the One whom you believe in is believable.

Faith is not just a feeling, a wish or even a prayer. Faith is believing that the One whom you believe in is believable. Faith is the substance within the seed. The substance of things hoped for and believed.

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