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From Hopelessness to Hope

It’s easy to stop believing when all hope looks gone. But when hope vanishes is when you ought to look for Jesus more than ever because He could be right beside you. You just can’t see Him. When hopelessness overrides your faith, your eyes become blinded to what is really going on. Some of your greatest answers to some of your greatest problems come during times of your greatest discouragement. 

Some of your greatest answers to some of your greatest problems come during times of your greatest discouragement.

You must never forget that it is during times of your greatest hopelessness that Jesus is nearer than He’s ever been before. You just aren’t seeing Him because your faith has been swallowed by fear. It is during this time of hopelessness that you are best positioned for a kingdom encounter. 

It is during this time of hopelessness that you are best positioned for a kingdom encounter.

During times of hopelessness, you need a kingdom encounter with the living Lord. 

The Bible is indispensable for giving you back your hope and experiencing the encounter you need the most. Thus, when you can’t see Jesus, you must open your Bible and pray, “Show me Jesus.” You are to look for a Person, not just a doctrine. You want to see Christ revealed, not just Christ talked about. He told you that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Take Him at His Word. You can pray, “Holy Spirit, I am opening Your Word. Show me Jesus.” 

He is the One who unlocks the door to your brighter tomorrow.

It is during a time of hopelessness that you are best positioned for a kingdom encounter. Click To Tweet

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