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Exploring the Book of Micah with Tony Evans


The prophet Micah was concerned about the way God’s people were treating each other, and God laid it upon his heart to speak out against what he saw. Micah spoke boldly against the oppression of the poor by the rich, as well as calling out the hypocrisy of the national and religious leaders. He diagnosed the root problem as spiritual bankruptcy. The people had left the path that God had called them to walk.


The people had left the path that God had called them to walk.


Micah’s message shows that God is not only concerned about the personal holiness of His people, but also about injustice. So, Micah condemned the social inequalities of his day, as they did not reflect God’s kingdom principles. Those in power were practicing bribery, confiscating the fields of the people, oppressing the poor and abusing women and children. They were disregarding the Mosaic law and its protections for the vulnerable. At the same time, personal holiness was also absent, and many were choosing decadent lifestyles.


There is a direct connection between our faith and our social concerns.


There is a direct connection between our faith and our social concerns. Micah’s message is that the spiritual must not become disconnected from the social. When the spiritual is applied to the social in righteous ways, God will bring a blessing. Both righteousness and justice are important in God’s eyes.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes from the book of Micah. May you be blessed by it.

Video: 5 Lessons from the book of Micah. Play video

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