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Explore the Book of Nehemiah with Dr. Tony Evans

Nearly everyone, in some area of their life, takes a leadership role. That’s why learning to be a strong leader is important for us all. The book of Nehemiah provides us with one of the clearest biblical examples of what leadership looks like when it is properly dedicated to fulfilling God’s kingdom. 

Nearly everyone, in some area of their life, takes a leadership role.

Nehemiah, who had served for a time in an important post in the administration of Persia, then became a leader of the people of Israel as they returned from exile. He had received word that the people who had already returned to Jerusalem were in distress, so he took upon himself the task of calling them to repent and return to their faith so that God would restore their hearts and restore their land. 

In a mere fifty-two days, he accomplished the mammoth task God had given him to do.

One of Nehemiah’s biggest tasks was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, the city of God. And the way he demonstrated leadership in this task confirmed his calling by the Lord. In a mere fifty-two days, he accomplished the mammoth task God had given him to do. Not only that, but he also called for the development of strong families among the faithful and showed them how to live under the covenant promises of God. He knew how to turn the hearts of men and women toward the tasks that God has set for His people is what good leadership should always aim to do.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of Nehemiah. May you be blessed by it!


Five Lessons from the Book of Nehemiah

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