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Explore the Book of 2 Corinthians

Second Corinthians was a follow-up letter to Paul’s earlier letter to the church in that city. It seems that after penning the first letter, Paul made a visit there that proved to be painful (2 Corinthians 2:1). Clearly the church in Corinth had not responded with the changes Paul had urged upon them in 1 Corinthians. Sometimes God’s people need a firm reminder to stay committed to God and His purposes.

Sometimes God’s people need a firm reminder to stay committed to God and His purposes.

In this letter we see the depth of Paul’s passion and concern for God’s people. False teachers had entered the church and were gaining a hearing, even though they were undermining what Paul had taught. They questioned his calling and his responsibility as an apostle of Jesus Christ. So, he offered a defense of his ministry and called out those who were leading people astray into legalism.

In this letter we see the depth of Paul’s passion and concern for God’s people.

Paul also called on the Corinthians to show concern for the poor. He wanted Jewish and Gentile believers to understand that they were one in Christ, so what better way to show this than for Gentile believers to help their Jewish brothers and sisters who were in need?

He appealed to their hearts and their minds, showing them that truth without love is damaging, and love without truth is deceptive. Paul called on the Corinthians to humble themselves, just as he had—for as an apostle, he was not operating out of pride, but from a servant’s heart.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of 2 Corinthians. May you be blessed by it!

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