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Explore the Book of 1 Samuel

First Samuel is our introduction to one of the most important characters in all of Scripture—David, who would become the king of Israel and part of the lineage of Jesus Himself. But the book is actually named after Samuel, the prophet who guided Israel through some tough times. Many Bible scholars believe he is actually the author of most of the book.

First Samuel follows on the heels of the period of the Judges, which was a dark time in the history of God’s people.

First Samuel follows on the heels of the period of the Judges, which was a dark time in the history of God’s people. It records the foundation of the monarchy. After the story of Samuel’s call to the prophetic office, it tells us how God allowed and established the first king in Israel. Though God ideally wanted to be the only King of His people, He allowed for Saul and David to become the first two kings.

The book contains powerful spiritual lessons about the consequences of disobedience, as Saul’s failure to obey God costs him his royal rule.

The book contains powerful spiritual lessons about the consequences of disobedience, as Saul’s failure to obey God costs him his royal rule. Though he gets off to a good start, his failure to follow God’s commands leads to his decline and fall. Even in the midst of his downward spiral, God makes provision for the future of His people. At God’s direction, Saul is eventually replaced by David, “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). And David, full of trust in God proves himself to be a giant killer. It is only those who live in obedience who will find the strength to slay the giants in their lives!

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of 1 Samuel. May you be blessed by it!

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