When we talk about brokenness, broken people or a broken situation, we usually have an entirely negative connotation in mind. It’s bad to be broken, right?
Well, in God’s eyes, brokenness is not necessarily a bad thing, for becoming broken means becoming aware that we can’t depend on ourselves. Brokenness is when God strips us of our self-sufficiency.
Brokenness is when God strips us of our self-sufficiency.
When things get hard, we tend to fall back upon ourselves and seek the answers within our own strength and intelligence. We trust in our own resources.
But God wants to take us to the place where our trust completely rests upon Him. If God is trying to take you into a deeper relationship with Him, He’ll sometimes put you in an “I can’t” situation. A place where we say things like “I can’t handle it. I’m gonna crack under the pressure. This is beyond me.”
Exactly. It is beyond you. You can’t handle it alone. You can’t deal with the pressure all by yourself. That’s when you are forced to turn to God for the strength and the courage you need.
God loves to flip a situation from hopeless to hopeful.
God loves to flip a situation from hopeless to hopeful. From no way out to a clear path forward. From trapped in a corner to freedom. And when He does, you’ll better understand who He is and the kind of power He has to shape your life.
Let Him turn your brokenness into a blessing.