Season One: 1st - 14th Century
Season Two: 15th - 21st Century
Unbound is the miraculous telling of God’s divine hand working through imperfect people to bring us His perfect Word.
Your support helps us uncover lesser known stories, which have often gone untold–the heroes who have often been unnamed. We explore the stories of men and women of the faith whose contributions to the transmission of Scripture not only impacted their known world, but sent a shockwave of truth still reaching us today.
Thank you for supporting the making of Unbound!
Your generous contributions are instrumental in bringing the stories of courageous individuals to the forefront and shedding light on the transmission of Scripture.
Funding Progress
Be a part of the most in-depth look at the transmission of Scripture ever produced in one documentary series.
Tony Evans engages notable experts in their local cultural context, taking the viewer on a tour of historical sites and artifacts in an up-close and personal way. Along the way, viewers get a look into local food, activities and beauty, making Unbound the first hybrid history and travel documentary.
Join us on this incredible journey.
Unbound will be filmed by award-winning camera operators in cinematography over the course of two years. Locations include Geneva, Athens, Wittenberg, Frankfurt, Antwerp, Cambridge, Rome, Milan, Dublin, Israel, London, Amsterdam and more.
Unbound, Part One
Season One: 1st - 14th Century
Nationwide Theatrical Release, 2026 or 2027
Ten 45-minute streaming episodes, to follow
Unbound, Part Two
Season Two: 15th - 21st Century
Nationwide Theatrical Release, 2028 or 2029
Ten 45-minute streaming episodes, to follow
Thank you for supporting the making of Unbound!
Your generous contributions are instrumental in bringing the stories of courageous individuals to the forefront and shedding light on the transmission of Scripture.